Organic News
National Organic Program Draft Guidance on Handling Bulk, Unpackaged Organic Products
What does this mean to the organic milk tanker trucking companies, organic livestock haulers, organic citrus juice trucking companies, rail car transporters and all other transporters of non-packaged organic products? If this draft guidance passes through public comment, it means being certified organic or at the very least being a part of a certified operations Organic Systems Plan (OSP). There are issues with going with the customer’s OSP, as you can only haul for customers that list you as part of their OSP. If you get certified on your own, then you can haul for any customer that has organic products. The main reason this is happening is that there is direct organic food contact with the transport vehicle.
This draft guidance is open for public comment, so if you haul unpackaged organic products, make sure to get your comments in before it becomes a part of the organic regulation.
For more details on this new guidance please visit:
If you are interested in making a comment prior to this guidance being considered law, send comments to USDA AMS National Organic Program
1400 Independence Avenue SW 2646-South Building Washington, DC 20250 Make sure to reference NOP 5031